Monday, February 11, 2008


Hello again,
I'm ba-a-a-a-ck. I've been getting a lot of you folks asking me about Babcock's Store. It's been over 7 years now since Joan and I decided to close up shop and join the ranks of the retired, but I guess some of you still remember the fun we used to have in the old store.

So, I'm posting a slide show of some pictures from the old place and will try to add more to it as I find them. Of course, I'll have to talk Joan into doing all this because as I said in my previous post, I'm not quite "puter litrit".

But I have found many other talents that have surfaced since retirement. I'm really good at using a hand-held horse-doo spreader, I mow a mean blade (or two or three million) of grass, I can stay in bed drinking my coffee and watching the morning news till 9:00AM or so with the best of them, and I've made a whole slew of friends that I stop and visit with regularly during the week.

Since I'm so-o-o-o much older and therefore wiser than them (I mean they're still working and I'm living the "easy" life, so I must be wiser), I'm sure they appreciate my visits and astute observations on life, and the meaning thereof.

So, keep an eye out for the pictures, and I'll try to dig up some memories to start adding as well.

"old" Bill